Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams on Disney+ Hotstar where the contestants are paired each week with comedians (comalis) who are amateur cooks. The first season premiered on 16 November 2019 and ended on 23 February 2020. The second season was premiered on 14 November 2020 and ended on 14 April 2021. The third season was premiered on 22 January 2022 and ended on 24 July 2022. The contestants along with their comalis are challenged every week and judged by Chef Damu and Chef Venkatesh Bhat.
Title | Cooku with Comali - Season 2 |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | CWC |
First Air Date | 2019-11-16 |
Last Air Date | 2024-09-29 |
Number of Episodes | 221 |
Number of Seasons | 5 |
Genres | Reality, Comedy, |
Networks | STAR Vijay, Disney+ Hotstar, |
Casts | Chef Damodharan, Rakshan, Manimegalai, Madhampatty Rangaraj, Pugazh, Nanjil Vijayan, KPY Ramar, KPY Sarath Raj, Sunita Gogoi, Shaalin Zoya, Dhivya Dhuraisamy |
Plot Keywords | , |
Episodes List
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 1 Deepavali Cooking Special Deepavali Cooking Special
2020-11-14Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 2 Honing the Art of Culinary Honing the Art of Culinary
2020-11-15Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 3 Cook and Play Cook and Play
2020-11-21Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 4 Taste the Best Taste the Best
2020-11-22Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 5 What's Cooking? What's Cooking?
2020-11-28Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 6 Devour the Dishes Devour the Dishes
2020-11-29Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 7 Traditional Round Traditional Round
2020-12-05Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 8 The Blind Fold Round The Blind Fold Round
2020-12-06Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 9 A Cooking Race A Cooking Race
2020-12-12Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 10 Judges Basket Challenge Judges Basket Challenge
2020-12-13Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 11 New Challenges New Challenges
2020-12-19Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 12 The Headphones Task The Headphones Task
2020-12-20Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 13 Comalis' Cosplay Comalis' Cosplay
2020-12-26Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 14 Celebration Week Celebration Week
2020-12-27Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 15 The Elimination Round The Elimination Round
2021-01-02Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 16 Pick a Cuisine Pick a Cuisine
2021-01-03Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 17 Celebration Week Celebration Week
2021-01-09Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 18 Siva Karthikeyan on the Show Siva Karthikeyan on the Show
2021-01-10Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 19 Comalis Are Back! Comalis Are Back!
2021-01-16Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 20 A New Challenge A New Challenge
2021-01-23Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 21 A Feast with Double Comalis A Feast with Double Comalis
2021-01-30Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 22 A Regional Feast A Regional Feast
2021-01-31Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 23 Wild-card Entry Celebration Wild-card Entry Celebration
2021-02-06Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 24 Recreation Challenge Recreation Challenge
2021-02-07Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 25 The Valentine's Round The Valentine's Round
2021-02-13Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 26 Fun in the Kitchen Fun in the Kitchen
2021-02-14Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 27 The Elimination Round The Elimination Round
2021-02-20Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 28 A Fun Feast A Fun Feast
2021-02-21Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 29 Season 1 vs Season 2 Season 1 vs Season 2
2021-02-27Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 30 The Combined Challenge The Combined Challenge
2021-02-28Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 31 Cook In The Mad House Cook In The Mad House
2021-03-06Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 32 Cook An Exotic Dish Cook An Exotic Dish
2021-03-07Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 33 Elimination Week Round Elimination Week Round
2021-03-13Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 34 Relish the Dishes Relish the Dishes
2021-03-14Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 35 Semi Final Week Semi Final Week
2021-03-20Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 36 Semi Final Continues Semi Final Continues
2021-03-21Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 37 Wild Card Week Wild Card Week
2021-03-27Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 38 Run for the Finale Run for the Finale
2021-03-28Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 39 The Celebration Round The Celebration Round
2021-04-03Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 40 Enter the Madhouse! Enter the Madhouse!
2021-04-04Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...
Cooku with Comali Season 2 :Episode 41 The Final Showdown The Final Showdown
2021-04-15Cooku with Comali, also known by the acronym CWC, is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-based cooking competition show aired on Star Vijay and streams...