B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series stars Greg Evigan and Claude Akins.
Title | B. J. and the Bear - Season 2 Episode 5 : Cain's Son-in-Law |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | |
First Air Date | 1979-02-10 |
Last Air Date | 1981-05-09 |
Number of Episodes | 46 |
Number of Seasons | 3 |
Genres | Drama, Comedy, |
Networks | NBC, |
Casts | Greg Evigan, Candi Brough, Randi Brough, Sheila Wills, Amanda Horan Kennedy, Judy Landers, Linda McCullough, Sherilyn Wolter, Murray Hamilton |
Plot Keywords | , |
Episodes List
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 1 Snow White and the Seven Lady Trucker's Part 1 Snow White and the Seven Lady Trucker's Part 1
1979-09-29B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 2 Snow White and the Seven Lady Trucker's part 2 Snow White and the Seven Lady Trucker's part 2
1979-10-06B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 3 Cain's Cruiser Cain's Cruiser
1979-10-13B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 4 Pogo Lil Pogo Lil
1979-10-20B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 5 Cain's Son-in-Law Cain's Son-in-Law
1979-10-27B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 6 Run for the Money part1(Part 2 was on the Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo) Run for the Money part1(Part 2 was on the Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo)
1979-11-03B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 7 The Eyes of Texas The Eyes of Texas
1979-11-10B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 8 Mary Ellen Mary Ellen
1979-11-17B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 9 Gasohol Gasohol
1979-11-24B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 10 B.J. Sweethearts B.J. Sweethearts
1979-12-01B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 11 Fly a Wild Horse Fly a Wild Horse
1979-12-08B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 12 Silent Night, Unholy Night Silent Night, Unholy Night
1979-12-15B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 13 Fire in the Hole Fire in the Hole
1980-01-12B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 14 Siege Siege
1980-01-19B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 15 Through the Past, Darkly Through the Past, Darkly
1980-01-26B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 16 Bear Bondage Bear Bondage
1980-02-02B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 17 B.J. and the Witch B.J. and the Witch
1980-02-09B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 18 The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful
1980-02-16B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 19 The Girls of Hollywood High The Girls of Hollywood High
1980-02-23B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 20 The 18-Wheel Rip-off The 18-Wheel Rip-off
1980-03-22B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 2 :Episode 21 A Friendly Double Cross A Friendly Double Cross
1980-03-29B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...