B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series stars Greg Evigan and Claude Akins.
Title | B. J. and the Bear - Season 3 Episode 13 : Who is B.J.? |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | |
First Air Date | 1979-02-10 |
Last Air Date | 1981-05-09 |
Number of Episodes | 46 |
Number of Seasons | 3 |
Genres | Drama, Comedy, |
Networks | NBC, |
Casts | Greg Evigan, Candi Brough, Randi Brough, Sheila Wills, Amanda Horan Kennedy, Judy Landers, Linda McCullough, Sherilyn Wolter, Murray Hamilton |
Plot Keywords | , |
Episodes List
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 1 B.J. and the Seven Lady Truckers part 1 B.J. and the Seven Lady Truckers part 1
1981-01-13B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 2 B.J. and the Seven Lady Truckers part 2 B.J. and the Seven Lady Truckers part 2
1981-01-13B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 3 The Fast and the Furious part 1 The Fast and the Furious part 1
1981-01-20B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 4 The Fast and the Furious part 2 The Fast and the Furious part 2
1981-01-27B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 5 Intercepted Pass Intercepted Pass
1981-02-03B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 6 Down and Dirty Down and Dirty
1981-02-10B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 7 Beauties and the Beasts Beauties and the Beasts
1981-02-17B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 8 The Blonde in a Gilded Cage The Blonde in a Gilded Cage
1981-03-03B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 9 For Adults Only For Adults Only
1981-03-10B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 10 A Bear in the Hand A Bear in the Hand
1981-03-17B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 11 Seven Lady Captives Seven Lady Captives
1981-03-24B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 12 Stunt Stunt
1981-03-31B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 13 Who is B.J.? Who is B.J.?
1981-04-25B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 14 Detective Finger, I Presume? Detective Finger, I Presume?
1981-05-02B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...
B. J. and the Bear Season 3 :Episode 15 The Two Million Dollar Hustle The Two Million Dollar Hustle
1981-05-09B.J. and the Bear is an American comedy series which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1981. Created by Christopher Crowe and Glen A. Larson, the series...