The daily soap that follows the loves, lives and misdemeanours of a group of people living in the Chester village of Hollyoaks where anything could, and frequently does, happen...
Title | Hollyoaks |
Subtitle Available | ETC. |
Alternative Titles | Holly Oaks |
First Air Date | 1995-10-23 |
Last Air Date | 2025-01-15 |
Number of Episodes | 6517 |
Number of Seasons | 31 |
Genres | Soap, |
Networks | Channel 4, |
Casts | Nick Pickard, Jessica Fox, Claire Cooper, Guy Burnet |
Plot Keywords | , |
Tony Hutchinson
Nick Pickard
Nancy Osborne / Nancy Hayton / Nancy Dean
Jessica Fox
Jacqui McQueen / Jacqui Ashworth / Jacqui Malota
Claire Cooper
Craig Dean
Guy Burnet